Sikkim Manipal University ECA for canada Immigration +Distance Education ECA for canada

Hi Friends,
This is your Host KAMAL,

Due to technical issues with google i am shifting 
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 I am pasting my previous blog to this new page along with questions and Solution provided in previous blog with a hope that it will solve query for most of you.

Sikkim Manipal university + canada immigration + distance education

  • Hi to all Canada Aspirants,

You all welcome to my post and i am sure if you are reading this post then you must be looking for immigration for canada through express entry or by other ways . For the same reason i created this blog where we all can drop queries and solutions so that we can help our other friends. The major issue which many aspirants are facing is that WES ( world education services ) is not entertaining degree from SMU (sikkim manipal university).

Therefore the growing concern is that if WES will not asses our degree then how we will qualify or get assesed for our  Graduation degree or PG degree. Well i have gone through this whole process and yes, need not to worry there are other 4 organisation who asses these degrees as per my information.  Especially i have seen some degrees assesd by IQAS but like many immigration agents don't wanna take this pain so they will say that no there is no other agency that serves you for assesment in canada.  But i have seen SMU degrees assessed by IQAS and if anyone is having any query regarding immigration to canada they can ask freely in my comments and i will try to give answers and others also request to give suggestions to our inquisitive friends here.
Also note that this is just a free blog for our friends who are wandering here n der for help. Any other queries are also most welcome regarding canada immigration.  

SMU tollfree 18002667777

PS : I am receiving queries regarding which one is good in IQAS or ICAS . Well both are good only diffrence is IQAS will take 20days after receiving transcripts whereas ICAS will do it in 5 months. So if you are running short of time go for IQAS and if you have ample time go for ICAS. ICAS has proper format of tracking your application status on the other hand IQAS is run by Alberta government so it may not provide you application tracking and you have to wait for 20 days after receiving transcripts ,though they will update you through emails.
Thanx and regards

Please provide contact number or email of all the universities that you have .. ill post them here to make it easy for others.


  1. Hi please tell me if pGDBM from IMT CDL ghaziabad is recognised by IQAS or ICAS....m very worried as Wes is not recognising it and my money is wasted L

  2. Hi,

    1. Could you kindly confirm - along with the application and transcripts, should I include details such as the university's recognition letter (like UGC / AICTE) as a proof that the university was valid and had all approvals during the time of completion of my course?

    2. I hold an engineering degree too (not from SMU), so is it fine to the ECA together for both degrees, and send both transcripts for ECA (for IQAS) in a single envelope along with the application and checklist?

    Thanks and regards,
    Vrinda Vijayan

    1. 1. No need to send University recognition letter.

      2. Yes you can send them together but make surr they both have independent envelope sealed by designated University. Than put it together in a bigger envelope.

  3. Amrit :
    All the universities approved by UGC/ Aicte will be assesed by IQAS and ICAS. You just figure out the status of your university with UGC ane AICTE.

    No need to attach any letter of recognition. They have all the data with Them.
    Do not temper the seal of envelope in which transcript is provided. You put those enveloped transcripts together in a biggger envelope.
    PS: I RECOMMED SEPRATE COURIERS. Indian post will charge around 1200 per courier.

  4. Hi Kamal, I have done my bachelor's in journalism and mass communication (2006-2009) from IP university and my masters in journalism and mass communication from SMU Distance education (2013-2015). I had two questions?

    1) IP University doesn't send transcripts directly so I will have to send it myself.
    2) SMU is ready to send the documents directly so can I send it myself? And will IQAS collate my documents at their end?

    Have you come across any Journalism and Mass Communication graduate who got through the ECA positively?

  5. Karan:
    Smu will send the documents directly.

    You get sealed transcript from IPU. They usually ask for 20days but you may get it in 12-15days. Courier your transcript sperately to iqas also mention file no. On the envelop because you cannot open the sealed transcript. Your name and file no. Will work as a primery key for them to relate all your documents with other documents sent by SMU.

  6. Thanks a ton for your reply. Just one last thing does IQAS provide positive ECA for distance learning courses?

  7. @karan : yes they do. Meanwhile the university must be recognised under UGC.

  8. Hi,
    this is uday iam doing my BSC IT from SMU distance edu. can i go for higher studies in canada?

  9. Uday : yes you can. BSC will be considered equal to graduation in canada


  10. Can anybody give some info abt the ECA for Smude MBA in which working professional get the admission directly in second semester... Whether Iqas recognize that as well.

  11. Deepa : smu commonly give admission to second semester . It not an issue of concern. IQAS asses all those degree .

  12. Hi Kamal,

    Need your advise/guidance to get transcript from Vinayaka Mission University.

    I completed my Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) from Vinayaka Mission University through distance education in Year 2005. First and second year i completed from University of Technology and Sciences (UTS), Raipur and due to closure of the university i was migrated to Vinayaka Mission and completed my third year.


  13. I searched on your querrie and i found the following steps and if you don't get what you were looking for than google the toll free of the university as most of the universities help their students on toll free.
    Apply for transcripts by paying cash deposit at the University office.
    2. University fees:
    Sending to another University: Rs.2000
    Sending to self: Rs.1250
    3. Prepare a plain paper application addressed to Director requesting for transcripts, purpose needed, number of copies required, address to send the transcripts.
    4. Take xerox copies of all mark sheets and degree certificate
    5. Submit he request letter, with xerox copies of all mark sheets and degree certificate to Vinayaka Missions University office.
    4. Processing duration of 4 weeks the Univeristy will send the transcripts.

  14. Hi Kamal,

    Request you to kindly let me know if IQAS will evaluate my BCA degree from SMU-DE. I have completed my BCA from SMU-DE during the year 2007.

    Also, while sending documents to IQAS for ECA do we need to include our CBSE marksheets for 10th and 12th as well for evaluation ?

    Also, please guide me what are the prerequisites that needs to be done before I submit my profile to IQAS for evaluation.

    Thanks for all your help !!

    Dipesh Bhardwaj

  15. Dipesh : yes as per your details provided, you need not to worry go for iqas they will evaluate.

    2. No need to mention your 10th or 12th . Simply provide details of your grad. And post grad. If any.

    3. First you have to pay the fees on IQAS website. Than they will send you confirmation email of payment. Take out the printout of that email send it along with the transcripts request form to SMU. There is a toll free nunber of SMu. They will tell about the draft to be made.

  16. Hi Kamal,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am having some issues while filling my IQAS Application checklist.

    I need to know below -

    In Section B, which options do I need to select while i fill my IQAS checklist.

    1. Transcripts (Mark Sheets, Grade Reports) issued by: Do I need to mention my college/University name here ?
    2. Certified/Original Copy Enclosed : Which of these options do I need to select. I understand we do not need to send our original documents. Can you please tell me what is a certified copy ? Do we need to get the photocopies of our marksheets attested by notary before we send them to IQAS ?

    Dipesh Bhardwaj

  17. Dipesh: 1. Transcript is always issued by university . So mention it as university.

    2. You check if they are asking about transcript or marksheets if they are asking in continuation than specify Origional because they are asking about transcript.

    And if they have specifically mentioned marksheets then specify as certified and you do not need to get it attested. Simply put a xerox in envelop becauee they are mainly concerned about transcript.

  18. Hi Kamal , i have few query

    1- i have done graduation from Delhi university .I have 3 years gap between 1st and 2 year of gradution. does it make any diffence for canada PR ?

    2-As I have done MCA from SMUDE , if i make ECA done only for my Post gradution MCA will it make any difference for getting PR ?

    3- what else documents need to be send by us as transcript will be send by university

  19. Abhijeet : 1) To the best of my knowledge you wont have any problen due to this.

    2)At the time of submission of your documents you have to submit both i.e grad. Details and post graduation details. In case you have ECA of grad already than you submit the ECA report copy of graduation along with transcript of post grad.

    3. While applying for transcript to smu attach your email which you received as confirmation of fees from IQAS.
    Send one copy of email and other documents in advance to IQAS .

  20. Hi Kamal

    I have done gradution from delhi university and MCA from smude
    i dont have degree of gradution but i have all year marksheets and provision certificate ( appplied for degree , will take 2 months to get )

    1- Do IQAS need degree or makrsheet and provisional is enough ?
    2- can i go for WES for gradution as they dont need degree and IQAS for MCA ?
    3-Will evaluation of gradution from WES and post gradution from IQAS will effect my chance of PR ?

  21. Abhijeet kaushal:

    1. Iqas is concerned about transcript only rest of the documents are supportive. No transcript no ECA. No need to worry if you don't have Degree.
    2. You can go for WES but this way you will be paying double as once for WES and Than for IQAS. I recommend not to try WES. Iqas will asses both in one fees.
    3.No it won't. They are just like a verification of documents.

  22. Hi Kamal. just wanted to thank you for ur time and guidance
    received my eca certificate last night. its positive for masters. as per ur suggestion i was in touch with iqas throughout the process via email and phone. that helped

  23. Hi Kamal , I have submitted the IQAS fees but still i am ambiguous about few things ?

    1- What is the my IQAS reference no ? is the Order no in the purchanse receipt ?

    2-In IQAS application form they require us to fill the attendance date for the gradution and post gration in the format YYYY/MM/DD
    . I have filled 1st april with graution year as starting date for gradution . Will it effect my eca process if they cross check with my university they say it was 1st MAY ? Will IQAS even bother to go so deep as nobody actually remember the exact month of their admission ?

  24. Abhijeet:
    1. Your order no. Will work as uniqe key to identify your details.
    2. No it won't affect your ECA.

  25. Hi Kamal

    while filling checklist i have some issue .They divided section B into two parts (a)-Secondary school academic documents included and (b)-Post-Secondary academic documents included
    and then further given option to write

    Photocopy of the Diploma (name in the original language):
    Photocopy of transcripts/statement of marks:
    Transcripts (statement of marks, grade reports) issued by:

    1- In Secondary school academic i have to mention gradution detail and Post-Secondary academic i have to mention my post gradution detail ??
    2- in option "Photocopy of the Diploma (name in the original language) " i have to mention my course name like MCA or B.COM or what ?
    3- why Post-Secondary academic documents included section include
    two times everything like they mention initial - Photocopy of the Degree/Diploma (name in the original language): and then again they mention - Degree/Diploma (name in the original language):
    Both are asking same thing , do i have to leave one blank ?

  26. 1. If there is option for degree than leave secondary school option. Else write your grad. Details.
    2.if the option follows your grad. Details than write grad. Degree name if it is seprately used than write post. Grad that is MCA in full form.

    If still confused than ask again. If some details are wrongly filled than also they won't disqualify . Make sure you supply all the documents to them.

  27. Hi Kamal

    I am not sure what you want to say.
    The Section B of "checklist form " divided into two parts (a)-Secondary school academic documents included and (b)-Post-Secondary academic documents included

    Do i have to fill both ?

    if you look into the checklist form in given in IQAS you will understand what i am asking

  28. Abhijeet: fill only post secondary details.

  29. Hi all i have done mca from smu distance learning register in 2010 and pass in 2012 . Will my degree will be recognized by IQAS or ICAS . And if yes out of two which is best . Please advise as i am unable to get any help from any side

  30. Hi all I have also done MCA from SMU through distance learning Wes is not accepting my degree I have registered in 2010 and passed in 2012 will my degree be recognized by IQAS or ICAS out of both which is best . Please advise

  31. Gurvinder: iqas will be a quicker option . Yes they will accept your degree and assess for sure.

  32. Charanjeet kaur: WES has some problem with SMU but don't worry IQAS and ICAS will assess your degree without hesitation. We have many successful ECA of smu and other distance education programme.

  33. Thanks for reply kamal one more question . I am planning to send my documents through IQAS will i need to submit transcript of masters and graduation both. And also do i need to submit photocopy of all years marksheets or only final / consolidates marksheets to IQAS

  34. Gurvinder: you need to submit transcript of grad. And post grad. Both along with xerox of all marksheets and consolidated.

  35. Hi Kamal

    just one query

    As i would we sending my gradution and post gradution degree and marksheet photocopy to iqas , do i need to send my consolidated marksheet and provisional certificate too ?

  36. Hi kamal

    I have done gradution from Delhi university and post gradution from SMUDE.

    1-Delhi university doesnt send transcript to out of india , they will provide me transcript . what needs to be done in that case ?

    2-what is meant by sealed enevolpe ? does it mean that enevolpe is closed and an university stamp is put on that side from where it get opened ?

  37. Abhijeet: 1. University will provide a sealed envelop and that you have send directly to iqas without opening it if delhi university is not sending directly. You have to send a copy of consolidated too.

  38. Hi Kamal

    Thanks for your reply
    You really helped so many people who wants to migrate to canada.
    Kamal do i need to mention my reference no on every courier enveleope cover which i will send to iqas ? or it is unnessary ?

  39. Hi kamal one quick question do we need to submit attestation copy of our degree as i have done my from manorama sundaram university tamil nadhu and its took me 2 months to get my transcript and as well WES for degree certificate "For completed study, you send a clear and legible copy of this document to WES. Do not send your original document" . Please suggest as for attestation degree it would be another harassment for me from this University

  40. Abhijeet: yes refrence number will help them to identify your envelope and it will be a quicker process.
    PS. Its my pleasure to help others. I also run a blog for cheap travels to europe.

  41. Gurvinder: you don't need to attest the xerox copy of marksheet or Degree just send them as it is.

  42. Hi Kamal - Can i ask the university to send the transcripts to my home address and can i send it to IQAS directly? Since i have done both UG and PG and my UG university is not ready to send it directly to IQAS. Please Let me know.

  43. Hi Kamal - Also another question. Since i have done both UG & PG is it required to verify the education credentials for both? Also does it mean i have to send double the fees to IQAS or WES? Let me know.

  44. Venkat:you send your UG transcript provided in a sealed envelop by university in a bigger envelop along with xerox of all the marksheets and consolidated of UG and PG and also a copy of email received from IQAS as confirmation of enrollment.
    For PG ask the SMu to send it directly to IQAS.

    Yes you have to get ECA for both UG and PG but fees will be single. You don't need pay twice.

  45. Hi Kamal

    I have courier all documents to smude and IQAS
    i am just waiting for the transcript from delhi university from where i have done my graduation . I am just wondering about form 'use the Request of Academic Records Form' . i have filled and given this form to transcript counter of D.U. Does this form needs to be filled by university too and should be present inside sealed envelope along transcript ? i have applied two transcripts as i have heard that sometime even university send wrong transcript . Just wondering do you have any idea regarding this?

  46. Abhijeet: Yes it needs to be filled by university and to be present inside the sealed envelop but its not something very important . In some cases if applicant fails to do so than also IQAS will entertain .

  47. Hi all,
    I have few query.
    1- I have done BBA from SMUDL and I have all the document then also I have to get transcript from SMU and send the same to IQAS or just the documents which I have.
    2- do they give positive results for BBA done from SMUDL.
    3- I have done PGDFP from non recognize collage and it is not affiliate in recognise education body. Will it be able to get positive ECA from IQAS.
    Can anyone share there number I need clarification who have gone through these things.

  48. Anand raj:
    1.yes you have to get transcript that is important.
    2. Yes
    3. Can't say. Send an email to IQAS.

  49. Hi Kamal - Appreiciate your help to all community. Need some suggestion from you.
    1. First in order to get selected for PR do i need to evaluate my graduation and post graduation both or only post graduation evaluation is enough.
    2. IF so can i do it together I earlier did my graduation from WES and it's expired.
    3. Now can i get both evaluated together in one envelope both transcripts from IQAS in one go, i not need to pay twice for both separately.
    4. Also would like to know some easier way out to get my Post Graduation MSC IT transcript from SMU.
    5. Finally just made payment at IQAS and send both transcripts together or anything other than this.

    Please advise for the same.


  50. Hi Kamal

    Just have one query . I sent my application form along documents through registry from indian post to IQAS 20 days back. I was not aware that registry courier doesnt provide tracking facility to out of india. Now i want to know is there any way i can come to know that my application form has reached to IQAS ? i read in this forum that IQAS only acknowledge after 3-4 weeks , is there any way i can come to know wheather they have received my courier or not ?

  51. Harpreet Singh2 July 2018 at 01:03

    Hi ,
    I got my distance MBA from Vinayaka Mission university sikkim last year. Can you confirm that it would evaluated by wes/ iqas??
    Awaiting for your response

  52. Hi Kamal,

    Firstly thank you very much for running this blog. This is very much helpful for us 
    Let me first give brief background. Currently I am in H1B visa & working in USA for last 1 year.
    I have done my MCA from SMU & before that I have done BCA from West Bengal University of Technology. My Wife have also done BTech & was working in India for 5 years in IT. Now she is in H4 Visa so she does not have work permit in USA & that is the main reason we are planning to apply for Canada PR.
    So I was planning to do education credential evaluation from IQAS. For me I only need to do it for MCA & BCA? What are steps? After applying for the evaluation from IQAS & sending the transcripts, do we need to contact our universities? It will be very much helpful if you provide some steps or give me any link where you have mentioned the steps.

    Thanks you ,

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Hi Kamal ,
    Just another point I have completed my MCA From sikkim Manipal university in 2011. Do you think it will be an issue as I heard that degrees prior to 2012 are not entertained .


  55. Is this thread still active?

  56. Kamal is not responding here anymore . he might be busy. i have applied to IQAS for ECA , waiting for positive result

  57. Sorry friends actully i was in budapest on vacations.

    Lets start from anindya :
    Steps are very easy you ask SMu on toll free and they will tell you the process of transcript . Once ull be able to get transcript from both the universities . You have to courier them to IQAS adress properly sealed. Along with your enrollment confirmation email from IQAS.

    After that you ill receive the ECA from IQAS in a month or two.

    Yes you or your representative has to contact your universities for Transcripts. Each university has its own process. But SMU process can be followed by any of your family member living in India.

    SMU has a toll free number mention above in blog.

  58. Kulwant: 1.Yes grad. And postgraduation both needs to be evaluated.
    2. Yes you can do it together in on bigger envelop containing your sealed transcripts in one go.
    3 In a single payment all your education will be assesed.
    4. I have mentioned toll free number in my blog please contact them they will tell you whole process.

  59. Abhijeet: To know your application update you have to call IQAS or email them.

  60. Hi kamal
    hope you had wonderful time in budapest .
    i got second email last week from iqas saying that your file is now placed in line for processing. just wondering how long they will take now more , anyway hope eveything goes well .

  61. Hi Kamal,
    I've done my MCA from SMUDE, in 2013, 3 years distance mode. But first year exempted as I've done my 2 years PGDIT from Symbiosis Center for distance learning SCDL in 2011. I've done my undergrad from Calcutta University.
    Do I need to arrange transcripts for all the institutes/Universities, for IQAS ECA?
    Can I skip UnderGrad transcript from Calcutta University, as its too time consuming process?

  62. Hi Kamal
    As i have mention i am waiting for positive eca ... i think you should also create another blog where people can share their issue and problem while applying for PR ( after successful eca ) for example if i have a gap in education will i get pr or anyone who had gap in education got pr or not ?? etc etc

  63. Hi Kamal,

    I have requested my transcripts of distant learning MBA from SMU and have sent all the documents to SMU 10 days back and fortunately they have sent to oqas today and provided me a reference number to track.
    i would like to ask u i have sent all the documents to SMU along the documents which i had to send it to IQAS like IQAS application form,checklist,passport copies etc.
    i mentioned in the coverl letter of SMU and also requested over a call to send those documents aswell with the transcripts to IQAS
    Will the IQAS accept all the documents from SMU or i have to send it seperately again to IQAS?


  64. Hii Abhijeet,

    Kindly share your time line of IQAS and also let us know when you receive your ECA.


  65. Hi Kamal,

    First of all, such a great initiative to run such a blog in order to help those affected with SMU + WES.

    I have a B.Tech (MGR) & MBA from Sikkim from 2013-2015 batch.

    I have made a transcript request to them. Before paying the fees, i have a doubt.

    Can i ask SMU to directly send the transcripts(Sealed) to my address?

    Because the college of Bachelor degree, they gave the sealed transcripts to me.

    1.) Can I club SMU + MGR together in 1 big envelope and send to IQAS??

    2.) Does IQAS accepting 2013-2015 batch distance education??

    Thanks for your reply.


  66. Hi Kamal, I am commenting to thank you for guiding me through the process. I must say that I came to this blog a few months ago with so many questions and followed the process. I am really happy to tell you guys that IQAS approved qualifications from SMU. The degree was masters in journalism and mass communication. It took more than 2 months but that’s fine. Be patient guys and follow the process. Best of luck to everyone :)

  67. Dear Mr Kamal,

    I have a small Doubt, I have done BscIT from SMU.. How Will I submit IQAS over there ?? Should I personally Go ?? Any online Submition is thr??

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hi Kamal,

    First of all, Thank u for creating this blog, which is really helpful for all especially for the SMU students.

    I already go through the whole page of this blog, but still i have one concern.
    As i read some blog which said that SMU-DE got UGC approval in 2013.
    So before 2013 pass out the ECS not assessment by any designated organizations.

    I have done my BSC-IT from SMU-DE in 2008 to 2012 session & i want to ECS my degree. Please need your respond to clear by doubt.


    1. Hi mate, do you have any updates? Kindly post it over here. I have same concerns. Thanks

  70. Intriguing post. I Have Been pondering about this issue, so a debt of gratitude is in order for posting. Entirely cool post.It 's extremely exceptionally decent and Useful post.Thanks   site

  71. Hi all,
    IQAS has asked me for campus / location from where I completed my distance BBA ,I did it from Delhi And I don't remember the campus name.what should I tell them for this.

    1. Your Degree will not be assessed by IQAS. They have stopped assessing SMUDE. I received an email today from them saying the same. I waited for 16 weeks. I am in a state of shock right now.

  72. Hi All
    Is IQAS positively assessing SMU DE MBA (2012-2014) currently. Just heard they are enquring the study center details
    Any updates guys...

  73. SMUDE is no more assessing SMUDE degrees. I waited for 16weeks and received an email today from them saying that they have change in policy and are no more assessing SMUDE degrees. What a bummer.
    Is there any other institution that assesses SMUDE degrees successfully?

    1. Hi, It's sound very sad. I'm also waiting for my respond, let's see what i got.
      One more thing did they refund your fee?

    2. any body got their fee back from IQAS?
      kindly share the time line of payment refund?

  74. Hello Everyone, I have done B.Sc(IT) from SMU in distance mode and done MCA in regular mode. Is there any chance that my WES will be done successfully?

  75. Hi,

    Looks like WES and IQAS are no longer option for SMU. My only question is, ICAS is still doing it or they are also DONE with SMU certificates?


  76. Response from SMU: We would like to inform you that, as of now IQAS is not verifying the transcript and same will be kept on hold, if you are applying through IQAS. University is in the process of sending representation to IQAS.

  77. Hi All,
    How long SMU take to send transcript to IQAS and what steps for requesing the transcript courier to IQAS.
    I am running short time to grab my age point for express entry howmuch time IQAS will take to send ECA.

  78. Hi I completed my BBA degree from SMU 2002-2005. I asked SMU regarding credential assessment by IQAS and they replied that IQAS is evaluating SMU degrees and SMU is in the process of sending representation to IQAS. Its been more than 1 month they are replying the same. I also read that IQAS is not evaluating SMU degree if done outside SIKKIM. But what about SMU degree completed in 2005. At that time there was no rules that the SMU degrees should be done within Sikkim State.

  79. I got same response from IQAS they will not evaluate SMU degree if done outside Sikkim .. So now from where we can get ECA done for SMU distance learning courses .I had done BBA in 2007

    1. Same case as mine, now I will approach ICAS instead of IQAS.

  80. Hi All,

    Is it advisable to apply via ICAS as IQAS are not doing evaluation anymore ?

    1. hii there ,. did u did the evaluation through ICAS for SMU., I have scored overall 7 in ielts and Masters evaluation is only way for me to immigrate

  81. Hi Anand.
    I received an email from Iqas asking for my student id and physical centee address..
    i have emailed them both.
    Ques 1- do i need do courier the same to them?
    Ques2- Will they evaluate and send me the ECA?

    1. You can scan and send them they asked me the samething but I was not havingmy ID card because 10years back I completed my of luck

  82. ok thanks.
    i have sent it to them.
    do u think they will do it?

  83. Hi,

    Is there only option to evaluate the SMU MBA (passed in 2010) degree through ICAS, which might take 5 months time or any other options available ?

  84. Is IQAS still doing assessment for SMU- DE? As I have completed my BBA from Sikkim Manipal University through distance learning in 2005. And completed MBA regular from Amity University, Noida. Please guide me.

  85. Hi,

    I want to apply for SMU-DE MBA from ICAS. I have concern in filling the Education History section of ICAS online application form.
    ICAS application form contains Primary, Secondary, Post Secondary. Could someone who has already applied for ICAS evaluation help me with the details what i have to fill in Primary and secondary section as I have to get only post secondary evaluation from ICAS.

  86. Hi Everyone, I have done BSc.IT from SMU distance education, the session was 2012-2014 , will the IQAS or ICAS do the positive ECA for me.

    1. For my case i got negative response from IQAS after 5 months. So i suggested you to try ICAS.

  87. Negative respond from IQAS for my ECA of SMU-DE.

    International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) reviewed your application and cannot proceed with your assessment because:

    · Recognition of Sikkim Manipal University’s distance education study centres cannot be verified conclusively. IQAS is therefore canceling the assessment of your distance education credential from Sikkim Manipal University.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience you tried any other agency?

  88. Anyone submitted their file for assessment to ICAS for SMU. Please let me know I need some gelp

  89. Except ICAS do we have any other organisation evaluating SMU MBA master's degree?

  90. Hi All,

    thanks for sharing your views on this, despite so many comments i am still asking, IQAS is doing ECA for SMU MBA( Distance learning) as per my knowledge its clearly written on there website that they ll not do ECA for it, still if any one got the positive feedback for the SMU MBA (Distance) from any agency be it IQAC, ICAS, etc please share your valuable experience here

  91. Hi, i i ha done in hotel n catering mgmt from SMUDE. I want to apply for canada PR. Can anyone help me with the transcripts procedure??

  92. Hi All,

    Could someone please let me know when we need to send the application form for transcripts to Sikkim Manipal do we need to attest the grade sheets? And is it a government official attestation or self attestation will do? Please someone help me out with the procedure to get the transcripts from Sikkim Manipal

  93. Hello,
    My self PINKESH and have done bachelor's of Physiotherapy from smu-de . We had a proper college in Ahmedabad and my bachelor's complete d in 2009. In 2014 I have applied for evaluation and Wes did evaluation and said bachelor's from non recognised institution. So I was confused what to do. Than in 2018 I have done masters from Chaudhary Charan Singh University and that University is listed in Wes.
    In 2019 now Wes cancelled my evaluation as my bachelor's from smu. My master is from their listed University still they cancelled my application.
    My batch mates who did bachelors with me and masters from USA/ Canada Wes evaluate their masters degree and didn't ask for bachelor's.
    And for me they cancelled my application due to my masters
    Don't you think it's a biasness.

  94. Hi,

    My wife having a BBA distant learning degree from SMU. How I go for her ECA evaluation for CANADA.

  95. Hi. I did my distant MBA from Sikkim manipal and now planning to apply for Canada PR. If I need do an ECA for my degree which body should I apply with. My consultant says it's not useful to apply in ices as it takes mor than 6 months. Kindly assist.

  96. Hi,
    I have applied for transcript from SMU along with certificates to be send to ICAS for ECA.Can you please tell me is there any way to track the process in SMU?Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Rubin

      Can you please let me know the steps of how we can apply for the transcripts to SMU? have u send ur set of docs to ICAS directly as i came to know that teh applicant as well as the university needs to send docs.

  97. Hi Kamal - Please advise

    Procedure for Master degree (SMU- DE - MBA -IT) evaluation:

    1. ICAS website: fill the form and pay fee of $200
    2. Share form, DD (INR 200), Xerox of (degree & transcript) to SMU gangtok via courier
    3. SMU will share this to ICAS in a sealed envelope
    4. ICAS will receive and get it evaluated within 90 days
    5. you will receive the report via email.

    Have I missed anything? please advise

    waiting to hear back asap.

    - Subham

  98. can anyone tell me whether ECA report from IQAS for SMU DE MBA is equivalent to Masters degree ??? I had done MBA in 2008

  99. i have completed my Degree BBA from SMU on 2015.
    1,how can i get ECA
    2,which agency will accept SMU certificate
    3, can SMU support to us

  100. Hi kamal,
    I am planning to apply for Canada PR and i need to need ECA for my UG and PG. I have completed my BCom from Kakatiya university and my MCA from SUM DE.I need to send transcripts of both. If both universities are sending transcripts directly to IQAS will i need to pay fee two times?

  101. It’s really great information for becoming a better Blogger. Keep sharing, Thanks. For more details to visit Get transcripts from India.

  102. Hi Kamal,

    I am planning to apply for New Zealand PR. I have completed my MCA from SMU-DE in year 2007. Will this be considered as masters in NZQA?


  103. Hi Kamal,

    Both IQAS & ICAS are not accepting any applications for evaluation. Would you suggest going with ICES for SMU DE MCA (Completed in 2006). Do you think the ECA will be equivalent to Masters?

  104. Hi Friends, I am also in the same situation looking ECA for my MBA degree from SMUDE. Looking for organization which will accept SMUDE degree. Please provide latest information as soon as possible. Also , please advise if we would need to go for evaluation for MBA alone or to include B. Tech degree. Please advise immediately.

  105. Thanks, for such a great post. I have tried and found it really helpful. For more details to visit Mumbai university transcripts

  106. Hi ,Can some one please tell me how to get my SMU assessed ? I have checked the WES website and they do not accept Sikkim Manipal.. Are there any other options ??? PLEASE HELP..!!!

  107. ***Update About Getting SMU Degree Assessment for ECA***

    Hi Folks,

    After going back and forth through multiple discussion forums (including this one), what could be gathered is that currently only ICAS is conducting assessments for SMU degrees. I came across this amazing blog, dated 25 Dec 2019, that explains all the steps of applying for SMU transcripts and applying for ECA thru ICAS in detail:

    Hope this helps every next person landing on this page!


  108. I have done my master from ICFAI University Dehradun in 2009, in which agency should I apply so that it considered it as masters

  109. I have done B.Sc from SMU DE between 2011 - 2014. However, the ICAS has rejected the assessment for my application. Kindly let me know which other authority verifies the credentials from the institution.

    1. Go with ICAS, they will do the assessment but will take time approx 8 Months.


  111. hello guys..I recently had a communication with SMU and they told for ECA go with ICAS. IQAS is not advisable.Has anyone got their MBA evaluated from ICAS. Do I get masters equalency? And how long does ICAS take to evaluate? Thanks

  112. hI friends
    Has anyone got ECA for Sikkim Manipal University distance education MBA from ICAS? Do they give masters equivalency? Please update , it is urgent, your reply will be highly appreciated.

  113. Dear Friends,

    I got my MBA (Finance - 2 years course) from SMU-DE in 2011. My course session was 2009-10 for 1st year & 2010-11 for 2nd year.

    My Questions:
    1) Was SMU-DE course recognized by UGC during that period ?
    2) Does ICAS evaluates this distance education MBA degree ?
    3) What equivalency will be given for this course, Masters or PG Diploma ?

    If anyone got his evaluation reports for matching course, pls guide me. You can drop me a mail also at


    1. I don't know about your course MBA, but i got my positive respond from ICAS after 8 months. I have done BSC-IT & my session is 2008-2012.

    2. ICAS is taking such a long time (8 months)

  114. Hi Folks,

    Finally i got my BSC-IT 2008-2012 session positive evaluation reports from ICAS after 8 months.

  115. Hey guys
    I complted my IMT CDL Pgpm 3 years 2008 -2011 approved by distance education council.But i got anegative rwply from CES..they says university was nor recofnised by Aicte that year.

    Sgoyld i get it evaluate by ICAS OR ICAS as IQAS is not accepting the application currently..pls suggest where i should get my degree assessed.


  116. HI,
    Whether IQAS assess the MBA sikkim manipal distance education certificate ? It is mentioned on the site that they dont evaluate distance education of sikkim manipal

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  124. I have done BCA from Bangalore University, and MCA(lateral)from Sikkim Manipal Distance Education University. which one is best IQAS/ICAS/WES to get it assessed as Masters.

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  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

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